Catfish Diving and Salvage Company, Inc. has specialized in underwater services since 1990. Services include, refloating, salvage cutting, welding, four man surface supplied diving, search and recovery, metal detecting, cleaning, video surveys, hydrographic surveys, contaminated water diving, mechanical repairs, vessel mooring installation, and pipeline and cable installation.
Miscellaneous Industrial Supplies (Whol) The Owner of Kokusai Bti Equip. Corp. is Joe Murray Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : The task of removing marine growth from boat hulls, diffuser pipes, seawater intakes, keel coolers, propellers and shafts, grates and slides, etc. This is normally done manually with various hand tools adapted to the situation.
A crew consisting of a dive supervisor, primary diver, safety diver and tender/profiler to carry out diving operations in accordance to OSHA, federal, state and/or USACE Guidelines. A 6x10 trailer with surface supplied air cascade system and communications is set up at the dive site to conduct the dive. Equipment can be transferred to a floating platform if required. Crew works mostly within the confines of North Carolina doing emergency jobs for the USACE.
Practically anything that can be done on dry land can also be done underwater. Most common are prop, shaft, and cutlass bearing changes to yachts suffering from grounding damage. I carry a full assortment of tools with me at all times to cover 90% of required tasks including pullers to handle 3 ½” shafts, hydraulic rams to 50 tons, pneumatic drills and grinders, etc.
The process of laying in cable or assembling pipeline at a desired depth. Normally this depth is below substrate and has to be trenched in with a hand dredge.
The process of using inflatable air bags to bring a sunken vessel (or other object) back to the surface. I have in stock various sized marine salvage air bags with a combined total capacity of 40, 000 lbs. along with necessary slings, hoses, straps, manifold, and compressor to complete the job.
Industrial machinery and equipment (wholesale)
Industrial components (wholesale)
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Kokusai Bti Equip. Corp. in Scranton you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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